Saturday, March 29, 2008

Language Barrier

Yes, I took one year of college Italian. That was... about 12 years ago now. At the end of my final quarter, I did manage to pass the final (an informal conversation with the Prof on a random topic with no dictionary or notes!) by the skin of my teeth. Today... well, I remember enough to kind of know how things are pronounced when I read them. But then when those words come out of my mouth, they still don't sound like what's in my head.

So because Italians don't walk around with flash cards attached to their chests, I have memorized a few key phrases:

Sono allergica peperoni.
I am allergic to peppers.

Non mangia pesce.
I don't eat fish.

Non mangia equina.
I don't eat horse meat.

Dove si trova l'internet point.
Where is the internet cafe?

Accettate la carta di credito?
Do you accept credit cards?

Parli inglese?
Do you speak English?

Non parla italiano.
I do not speak Italian.

Non sono d'accordo con President Bush - sono liberale.
I do not support President Bush - I am a liberal.

Quando e aperto il museo?
When does the museum open?

Dove il bagno?
Where is the bathroom?

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